Thursday, August 21, 2008


From Tara Blair, Softball, Jr...

WOW! If anyone was to ask me to sum up SALT, "WOW" is what I would say to them. I would need a lot of time to explain to them all the amazing things that happened to me in just one week.

First, me being there was truly planned by God. Through a lot of struggles God has placed and kept me at Bethel College and allowed me to attend SALT. During the week the most amazing thing that God did for me was to allow me to step out of my comfort zone. I am normally a very shy person until I get to know people and going into SALT I thought there was no way I was going to be able to open up to people I barely knew in one week. I went into SALT only really knowing my softball teammate (Mandy Cripe), but God allowed me to open up to everyone and every activity we did. He kept telling me that was the first step for Him to impact my life, which he did in many many ways.

I could talk for days about this trip but I will tell of the other main subject that God kept telling me about all week long. That is the issue of accountability. God was telling me that my relationship with Him is number one but He also kept telling me that there is no way I can do it on my own. I had been trying for years to build a stronger relationship with Him by myself and it was not working. SALT allowed me to build relationships with some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. God showed me every second of every day that I was in West Virginia that surrounding yourself with God-like people is very important. Like Mandy Cripe said every single person that went on the trip impacted my life in different but amazing ways.

I have never been more excited for school to start so that I can continue to learn and grow and pass on what I am learning to the entire Bethel College campus. Once again I say WOW to God and all that He did that week and all the He is continuing to do!!

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